lunes, 16 de enero de 2012


On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month 2011 (funny though it may seem) we had an English lesson: it was time to speak about REMEMBRANCE DAY (also known as "POPPY DAY")  but all of a sudden we came up with an awesome idea: WHY NOT MAKE A TIME CAPSULE THAT WE COULD LATER BURY IN XABI'S GARDEN?? After all, one is not often a witness to such an unusual event!!!!  And so we did: we also promised to gather in six years' time to pull out our time capsule thereby seeing the changes and growth that everyone had experienced as well as to see how many of our wishes hadcome true.The idea may sound a bit cheesy at the beginning but I am sure we'll have many good laughs in the near future.

It may look like a mole came through Xabi's yard but it's the actual hole Pablo dug.

Here are some pics that will later be used of mementos of the "funny" moment we spent together. Enjoy them!!!

Pablo digging a hole that can withstand weather

Burying the time capsule as a "team"

2 comentarios:

  1. WE ARE A PINAPPLE! (Somos una piña) :)

  2. If you hadn't written in Spanish, anyone would understand it... hahahah Thank you for the clarifications!!!!
